Graphic Identity
client: BKB
For campaign agency BKB (founded by Lennart Booij, Alex Klusman and Erik Van Bruggen) we designed a new identity. The brief was to make a coat of arms based on the descent of the founders. We kept the shield simple and filled it with Andreas crosses of the city Breda, pompeblêden of the Province of Friesland and the Victoria falls from the country Zambia.
Next to the crest the name logo BKB was made from open characters with thick bars as foundations. These bars derived from polls... Election polls that is. (long story) as BKB provides many governmental projects. We proceded making marker stripes and colored them with the red, green and blue showing the traditional Dutch color spectrum. Adding yellow for the odd couple of things needed. Next to the printed matter we created the concept and templates of the BKB website.